This week's blog features Jonny Whyte. For PB's Drummer, his day doesn't finish at 5pm.
Contrary to popular belief playing in a band isn’t a 2hr per night job. So if it’s not, what does a normal Friday evening look like for a drummer in a band?

5.30pm - Leave day job
6.15pm - Say hello to family, eat dinner, quick shower and get the glad rags on
7.30pm - Jump in van and head to gig collecting other members on the way (depending on where the venue is)
8.00pm - Caffeine and diesel fill up 8.30pm - Arrive at venue, pre gig pint (if not driving)
9.00pm - Start to unload van and begin set up
10.00pm - Sound Check
10.15pm - Show Time!!
11.15pm -Break and another Pint (if not driving)
11.45pm - The 2nd half!
1.00AM - Finish gig (hopefully to rapturous applause), begin breaking down equipment
1.45 am Reload Van
2.00 am Leave venue for home 3.00 am Bedtime
Playing in a band is mostly time spent in the van, setting up and taking down, all for that couple of hours of playing. In Pure Blarney for me though, the craic in the van, the few beers, the thrill of a good gig and the deconstruction of the dancing ability of the crowd on the way home is as much part of the enjoyment of it all!
From time to time we are lucky to get to play further afield usually resulting in a full weekend of craic and maybe slightly more than the normal "few beers”.
It can be tough at times and like anything, we all have our struggles. Especially after a hard week it can be hard to get motivated to get out of the house or maybe, on occasion, aren’t feeling great. That being said, when you get into the van with the team, you're lifted up and your cares are forgotten.
Would I change it?..........No way.
- Jonny
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