Help us support an important cause!
Friday 4th December 7pm

We got a gig! Yes it's virtual (the new norm), so we're just happy that we finally got to play music together somewhere other than our rehearsal space.
The audience to our 'live' performance may have been the camera crew and organisers (the biggest live audience we have had since March). Though, soon, we hope you will be the audience... Friday 4th December from 7pm - 9pm to be exact. Not just our audience, the audience for Northern Ireland's Big Night In 2020!
We hereby invite YOU to tune in and experience some of Northern Ireland's best talent. Gather those in your household bubble and make a night of it - a night to enjoy great music and support the all important Northern Ireland Children's Hospice. There's word going about that it's not to be missed!
Streaming available from:
An exclusive look at the lineup:
How to donate:
- Online:
- Via text
