It's time for the Pure Blarney team to reveal a little (and we do mean just a little) more about themselves. Each member has been put in the hot seat and asked the same set of [short but sweet] questions.
First up is the group's longest member, Andy McGregor, you may recognise him for his caps or Bagpipes and whistles.

Name: Andy McGregor
Instruments: Various Bagpipes and Whistles
Member since: 2003
How did you first get into music and learning to play?
My Dad loves Irish and Scottish music and insisted that I learn the Pipes.
Tell us a crazy/funny gig story?
We were playing in Germany and there was lots of free beer. Our Bass player fell off the side of the stage.
Who is your favourite band/artist/musician?
The Saw Doctors and Runrig are on my playlist quite a few times. At the minute I enjoy listening to Skerryvore and Skipinnish.
Favourite venue to perform in?
Waterfront Hall, Belfast.
How do you think the rest of PB would describe you?
The glue that holds us together😳
Most and least favourite PB song to perform?
Raggle Taggle Gypsy and Rocket to the Moon are 2 favourites. Brightside of the Road least favourite.
What inspires you as a musician/artist?
Just really enjoy seeing people reacting to our music.
Where’s your ‘go to’ for a night out?
Cathedral Quarter, Belfast. Front Page Bar, Ballymena for a cheeky daytime session.